405 Alive Issue 33 (First Quarter 1997)

405 Alive Issue Issue 33 (First Quarter 1997)
Page Title Summary/Notes
10 Photo Feature 1
Janos Koreny
The restoration of a 1958 Pye outside broadcast van at the MTV Museum in Budapest.
13 TV60 at AP96.
Dicky Howett
Celebrations of BBC Television's Diamond Jubilee.
14 The Stargazers are O-O-O-On The Air.
Graham Smith
Part 3 of the history of popular music on television, 1949 to 1960.
28 Quatermass And The Pit: Background.
Andrew Pixley
Includes scripts from cut scenes and production budgets.
35 The Proper Care and Feeding of Videotape.
Jim Lindner
General tips on preserving video tapes and collections.
38 From Paff's Scrapbook – 3. Personal TV Cartoon History.
43 Alignment Alert 3 : Now In Colour.
Kelvin Mallett
Colour alignment signals.
47 The Atomic Bomb Of Television. Interview with Paul K. Welmer (RCA).
50 The HMV1902.
David Boynes
A technical review of an enormous post-war receiver..
54 Kaleidoscope '96.
Chis Perry
Review of 1996 presentation.
61 TV 60 Years On: 1936-1996: A Mighty Maze …
Dicky Howett
The start of television.
63 TV 60 Years On: 1936-1996: … and a Mighty Myth.
Andy Emmerson
Television closing at the outbreak of war.
69 TV 60 Years On: 1937-1997: New Moves in Telerecordings. From TV News, 24th July 1953.
74 B.B.C. Suppressor Film. Identification of some of the locations that appear in the film.