BVWS Bulletin Volume 31, Number 2 (Summer 2006)

BVWS BulletinVolume 31, Number 2 (Summer 2006)

Front cover:  Stirling "Threeflex" receiver, type R1590
Back cover:  "The Priory" horn loudspeaker

Page Title Summary/Notes
4 Amplifying Crystal Sets: The Crystadyne Circuit
Ian Sanders
7 Harpenden Auction and AGM, March 2006
Photos by Carl Glover
10 How did you React?
L Williams
Reaction circuits
14 Review: Aurora Standards Converter with RF Modulator
Jeffrey Borinsky
16 Bush TR82C
Paul Stenning
18 The early range of EMI prewar TV receivers
Michael Usher
20 Audiojumble, February 2006
Photos by Carl Glover
23 Book review: Music While You Work, an Era in Broadcasting
Reviewed by Tony Clayden
24 The Masteradio Mantlepiece Masterpiece
Peter Nash
26 A Quart from a Pint Pot, Part 2
Anode Current
28 Notes from the past, an unofficial history of broadcast television, part 6
John Holloway
A licence to print money
34 Aerial-less Crystal Sets
Ian Sanders
36 A brief resume of British (and several overseas) finished goods and component manufacturers - part 9
Dave Hazell
As at May 2005
39 Pictures from Willand
Photos by Barrie Phillips