BVWS Bulletin Volume 38, Number 2 (Summer 2013)

BVWS BulletinVolume 38, Number 2 (Summer 2013)

Front and back covers:  A sample of the Rodney Dews collection

Page Title Summary/Notes
4 Communications Receivers
Peter Lankshear
Including a detailed look at the Eddystone S940
9 The Berec Pioneer and Ekco U241 Export Radios
Stef Niewiadomski
15 BVWTM at Spring Harpenden
Photos by Carl Glover
16 Spring Audiojumble
Photos by Carl Glover
20 Designing and using a universal router jig for making replica radio backs
David Taylor
26 Seen at Harpenden
Photos by Carl Glover
28 Crystal Set Mystery Nearly solved!
Richard Allan
31 A film drama about John Logie Baird?
Malcolm Baird
32 The Decca TP22 Transistor Radio
Stef Niewiadomski
37 Conversion of EBL1 valve to EBL31, suitable for use in Ekco A22 radio
David Taylor
40 Further to the S meter design
Keith Fishenden
Improvements on 'The Project of a Lifetime' featured in the Spring issue
42 The Celestion Telefi and the Motion Electronics Television Sound Monitor
A postscript by Tony Claydon