405 Alive Issue 18 (Green Shoots 1993)

405 Alive Issue Issue 18 (Green Shoots 1993)
Page Title Summary/Notes
17 The Crystal Palace Television Studios.
Ray Herbert
Baird's studios at Crystal Palace technical and transmission details.
23 My Days With The Pioneer Of Television.
Frank Rose
Frank Rose recalls working at the palace.
24 Another Story. A letter from 1st December 1936 describing the Crystal Palace fire.
27 A Push-Through Presentation.
Steve James
A review of sales literature for television in the sixties.
30 Philips G6 Dual Standard Part 3.
Brain Renforth
Further work on a G6, obtaining the chroma.
39 Early 625-Line Tests.
Brian Pethers
Early 60's mono and colour tests, including list of films used.
40 Television Theatres.
Dicky Howett
Including the Wood Green Empire, The Hackney Empire and BBC Television theatre.