405 Alive Issue 25 (First Quarter 1995)

405 Alive Issue Issue 25 (First Quarter 1995)
Page Title Summary/Notes
29 The Ultimate I.T.V. Continuity Announcer List.
Tony Currie
A list of announcers used by the various I.T.V. Companies.
34 Behind The Cameras No.2: The Emitron Camera.
John Trenouth
A technical description of the workings of an Emitron camera.
55 The Ultimate A-Z Index of BBC-2 Trade Test Colour Films. Amendments to the article in the previous issue.
56 The Videosonic Sound System.
Pat Hawker
Transmission of sound and vision in a single channel.
57 H.D.T.V. And Multi-Channel In 1946.
Andrew Emmerson
A precursor to modern methods of digital television.
60 Relics On The Roof Tops.
Ray Pallett
A look at vintage T.V. Reception and aerials.