405 Alive Issue 29 (First issue of 1996)

405 Alive Issue Issue 29 (First issue of 1996)
Page Title Summary/Notes
16 Baird's Camera Found!
Dicky Howett
Discovery of a camera that Baird used in his intermediate film system at Alexandra Palace in 1936 discovered in Manchester.
29 Flashback To 1935/36.
Bernard King
A Baird test card.
30 The Highbury Experiment – An Untold Story.
Cy Young
High Definition Films experiments in the early 1950's with high line-count systems.
35 A Visit To The Pan And Tilt Man.
Dicky Howett
An interview with television industry pioneer Bill Vinten.
47 The Dreaded Eidophor.
Gordon Sharpley
The Eidophor projector system.
55 B.B.C. Television Theatre: The First Years.
Larry Coalston
Broadcasts from the Shephard's Bush Empire in the 1950s.
65 A List of V.H.F. 405-Line Transmitters. A comprehensive list of transmitters, their output power, polarization and period of usage.
71 A List of V.H.F. 441-Line Transmitters. A list of European transmitters.