BVWS Bulletin Volume 12, Number 3 (December 1987)

BVWS BulletinVolume 12, Number 3 (December 1987)

Front cover:  A selection of Hertz 1888 experiments (Ruhmkorff coil, resonators and spark gaps).

Page Title Summary/Notes
30 The Hertz Experiments: A Centenary.
Anthony Constable
The 1888 experiments that confirmed James Clerk Maxwell's theories of 1879.
32 Transmitter Saved from Scrapheap.
Bill Pozniac
Rescuing a transmitter from the B.B.C. North Regional station at Moorside Edge.
33 Ekco Coloured Cabinets.
Tom Going
Some research on the coloured cabinets used by Ekco in the 1930s.
38 A Vintage 'Q' Meter.
Ted Beddoes
Theory and constructing of a simple Q-meter for testing 1920s wave wound coils.