BVWS Bulletin Volume 14, Number 3 (September 1989)

BVWS BulletinVolume 14, Number 3 (September 1989)

Front cover:  A selection of early receivers each using five triode valves.

Page Title Summary/Notes
32 Vintage Vision.
Ray Herbert
Anniversary of the first regular television broadcasts, 30th September 1929.
35 The Rise and Fall of the Five-Triode Portable.
Ian E. Higginbottom
A review of 5-valve portables from the mid 1920's to the early 1930s.
37 Vintage F.M. And the Pye Black Box.
Desmond Thackeray
A 1954 add-on tuner for the Pye Black Box record player.
39 Tuning-In Vintage Sounds (Part 1).
Don Turner
Some micro-transmitter designs for feeding signals to vintage radios.