BVWS Bulletin Volume 18, Number 3 (June 1993)

BVWS BulletinVolume 18, Number 3 (June 1993)

Front cover:  An early wireless installation with Marconi equipment installed in one of the Lord Mayor's Daimler cars.
Back cover:  A picture of Portland Place looking towards Langham Hotel as it was in 1934

Page Title Summary/Notes
31 A Useful Signal Tracer.
Pat Leggatt
A modern design for an signal tracer.
32 Point-Eight A.C. Valves and their Applications.
Ian E. Higginbottom
A short-lived range of A.C. Valves of 1928.
36 Butler-Style Crystal Sets.
Ian L. Sanders
The 1922 No.111 crystal set by H.D.Butler & Co., copied by several other manufacturers.
38 Fallon: The Condenser People.
Maureen Crips
History of the Fallon company of the early 1920s and their variable capacitors.
40 Which?
Geoffrey Dixon-Nuttall
A present day comparison of the performance of three 1920's receivers.
41 Receiver Techniques of the 1920's Part 8.
Pat Leggatt
Early superhet receiver designs.