BVWS Bulletin Volume 32, Number 3 (Autumn 2007)

BVWS BulletinVolume 32, Number 3 (Autumn 2007)

Front cover:  Amaphone, 1920's
Back cover:  Chase, 1920's

Page Title Summary/Notes
3 Geoffrey Dixon-Nuttall, 1927-2007
Ken Tythacott
4 Transistor Radios of the Soviet Union
Howard Craven
7 Imagges from Gerry Wells' garden party, 2nd June 2007
Photos by Carl Glover
8 Telegraphy Exhibition at NVCF, the Fons Vanden Berghen collection
Photos by Carl Glover
12 Making a coil winder, Part 2, and winding an inter-stage transformer
Gary Tempest
16 Electronics began with almost nothing
L L Williams
A radio valve contains, apart from some simple metal assemblies, almost nothing. By far the most important component is the 'almost nothing'.
22 A-Z of BBC2 trade test colour films, Part 2
Malcy B
27 A brief resume of British (and several overseas) finished goods and component manufacturers - part 14
Dave Hazell
As at May 2005
34 Fatherland TV
Dicky Howlett
Snippet from pre-war US magazine 'Radio News'; a contemporary report on German television in the mid 1930s
35 Reconstruction or Reproduction: A TV22 for the 21st centuary, Part 1
Ian Liston-Smith
39 Harpenden, June 3rd 2007
Photos by Carl Glover