BVWS Bulletin Volume 6, Number 1 (June 1981)

BVWS BulletinVolume 6, Number 1 (June 1981)

Front cover:  The British Tempovox Model RG3 grandmother clock radio of 1938.

Page Title Summary/Notes
2 The Power Valve Part 2 – Better Filaments.
Phil Beckley
The DE5, LS6A and PX4 valves.
6 British Tempovox Model RG3. A Grandmother clock radio, a typical example of building a radio into furniture during the 1930s.
9 New Valves For Old.
Jonathan Hill
The valve repair process used by Radions Limited in the 1920s.
12 A Carborundum Circuit.
Desmond Thackeray
A 1925 theory on converting a leaky-grid detector to a regenerative amplifier plus crystal detector.