BVWS Bulletin Volume 28, Number 3 (Autumn 2003)

BVWS BulletinVolume 28, Number 3 (Autumn 2003)

Front cover:  Detail of Sonora 'Excellence 301'
Back cover:  Sonora 'Excellence 301' front and back

Page Title Summary/Notes
3 The Pye is dished up
Dicky Howlett
"The Pye TVT Story" book review
4 Crystal Sets Revisited
L L (Bill) Williams
8 Murphy A52, Fully Featured Listening
John R Sully
13 Days that shook the world?
Dicky Howlett
Another of his old time TV creations
14 At home with Gerry Wells
Photos by Carl Glover
June Garden Party
16 Early British telegraph equipment
Fons Vanden Berghen
20 Blonde or Brunette, The Fada 790
Gary Tempest
24 Images from June Harpenden
Photos by Carl Glover
26 The Beau Decca Television
Gerals Wells, photos by Carl Glover
30 The ITV network in Wales
D E Jones
34 Ferranti M55
Paul Stenning
36 Vintage BBC Transmitters
Norman Shacklady and Martin Ellen
The BBC's first radio and television transmiitters
42 1910 Aircraft Wireless
Brian Slade